Java Survival Server

IP address:
Server country:
United States
Uptime Uptime: 99.41%

Server description:

Java Survival is a Minecraft server centered around a "legitimate" vanilla experience. Every block you see in-game has been placed by a player, by hand. No items have ever been spawned in and staff strictly use commands for moderation purposes only.

Java is currently running Minecraft 1.15 on a server with 8GB RAM located in Chicago, Illinois.

The server was created on November 26th, 2019.

Server Goals

Our goals - we will always strive to:

1. Be your primary Minecraft home - By providing a 24/7, up-to-date vanilla Minecraft experience with longevity - We'll be around for a while and we plan to stick to the same map for as long as possible.
2. Champion our community - We value our players. Java Survival exists for the community, not for the staff.
3. Provide a legitimate gameplay experience - We will never abuse teleport commands, spawn items or install plugins that affect the vanilla experience and we take cheating seriously.

Server Rules

1. No excessively offensive language.
2. No hacking, cheating, duping, or abusing exploits.
3. Do not disturb other player's property.
4. Keep claims reasonable and communicate before building.
5. Be good to each other!

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